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Use a Secure Browser when shopping for sea breeze. Your browser should comply with industry security standards, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). These standards scramble the purchase information you send over the Internet, helping to secure your transaction. When you enter the sea breeze secure shopping environment you will see the URL prefix https:// instead of http://
If you pay for sea breeze by credit or charge card online, your transaction will be protected by legislation. Under these laws, consumers have the right to dispute sea breeze charges under certain circumstances and temporarily withhold payment while the creditor is investigating them. In the event of unauthorized use of your credit or charge card, you are generally held liable only for the first $50 in charges. Some companies offer an online shopping guarantee that ensures you will not be held responsible for any unauthorized charges made online.
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Our interest and enthusiasm for sea breeze has evolved with the Internet. In the early days of the Net the information on sea breeze was very limited. However there are now many online traders marketing and selling sea breeze. We have sifted through these and do not hesitate to recommend the merchants whose links appear below.
As the Internet grows and expands sea breeze traders gain more experience in offering products for sale. One of the big advantages that online sea breeze traders have over shop front sea breeze stores is that the capital costs are significantly less.
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